Category Archives: Tori Amos

Sugar, bring me sugar

As you may have noticed, my blog posts on peeps dioramas and Candy Land are consistently the top traffic-attractors on Besotted Gleaner. Not because they are particularly interesting posts–I’m not especially proud of them. My family and friends certainly aren’t returning to them in times of uncertainty, mining them for their golden nuggets (or nougats?) of sagacity or anything. Rather, it is strangers who account for this heavy traffic. Random people that I don’t even know.

I can see what search engine terms bring people to my blog and I have learned this: the people love candy. Searches such as “marshmallow peeps” and “Queen Frostine Candyland” frequently direct seekers here, where candied pleasantries flow like Pez from my chronically backward-hinging head. (This all leads me to think that I should devote myself to candy writing–there seems to be an audience for it.)

On an related note, someone once searched “crazy horse gay” and came to my Medici post. (?!?!) I like to imagine the motivations that drive such searches…

*The title for this post is taken from yet another Tori Amos song.



Filed under candy, Candy Land, Peeps, Tori Amos

I need a big loan/from the girl zone

I’ve sort of disappeared lately. Between school, Salon and two consecutive bouts of consumption (or influenza, who can say?) I’ve been feeling a little overwhelmed. My typically steady stream of drivel has run dry. (But watch this space: it will be back in full force once the semester is over, I expect.) In the meantime, I may be limited to terse, fortune-cookie-length blog posts.

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A few weeks ago, I was graced by a visit from Jessica Deutsch, who came to run the New York City marathon. She was a total champ, finishing in three hours and twenty-five minutes. Sick sick sick… Jess’s visit reminded me of how much I miss the company of female friends. For some reason, it seems like most of my friends in New York are guys. And as much as I enjoy the Y chromosome, I tend to be more effusive about my women friends. Sigh… Where does one go to meet interesting girls in this town? I haven’t found it yet…

*Post title (“I need a big loan/from the girl zone”) comes from Tori Amos’s Caught a Lite Sneeze.

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Filed under New York, Tori Amos, women